Según un CEO americano, y otro también, que se dedican a negocios modernos, aquí pongo un resumen, de las cualidades qeu tienen la gente de éxito, en contraste con las características de los fracasados, que cumplen la mayoria de los mortales, inconformistas, y que vamos tirando, frustrados por no ser de éxito. En fin, veamos...
1.- Les encanta el cambio, la mayoría , lo tememos...
2.- Quieren para los demás el éxito, los amargados fracasados desean en secreto que se hundan en la miseria...(esto es muy propio de los españoles, la envidia es nuestro defecto nacional)
3.- Exude joy vs. Exude anger.... traducción-> Ellos transmiten alegria, los otros transmiten furia.
4. Accept responsibly for your failures vs. Blame others for your failures, ... traducción -> la gente de éxito aceptan la responsabilidad por sus fallos, y un ciudadano o comunidad (vale, en esta España) en crisis, echamos la culpa a los demás.
5. Talk about ideas vs. Talk about people. Jolín vuelvo a pensar en España, que triunfa la telebasura, y las comunidades que rozan el 50 por ciento de paro, se entretienen hablando sobre la gente...
6. Share data & info vs. Hoard data & info
As we all learned in kindergarten, sharing is caring. In social media, in business and in life, sharing is important to be successful. When you share you info and data with others, you can get others involved in what you are doing to achieve success. Hoarding data and info is selfish and short-sighted.
7. Give people all the credit for their victories vs. Take all the credit from others
Teamwork is a key to success. When working with others, don’t take credit from their ideas. Letting others have their own victories and moments to shine motivates them and in the long term, the better they perform, the better you'll look anyway.
8. Set goals and life plans vs. Do not set goals
You can't possibly be successful without knowing where you're going in life. A life vision board, 10 year plan, 3 year forecast, annual strategic plan, and daily goal lists are are useful tools of the mega-successful people in your life. Get your vision and goals down on paper!
9. Keep a journal vs. Say you keep a journal but don’t
Keeping a journal is a great way to jot down quick ideas or thoughts that come to mind that are not worth forgetting. Writing them down can lead to something even greater. You can even use mobile apps or your Notes function in your phone. But don’t fool yourself by saying you keep a journal and not following through.
10. Read every day vs. Watch TV every day
11. Operate from a transformational perspective vs. Operate from a transactional perspective
Transformational leaders go above and beyond to reach success on another level. They focus on team building, motivation and collaboration across organizations. They're always looking ahead to see how they can transform themselves and others, instead of looking to just make a sale or generate more revenue or get something out of the way.
12. Continuously learn vs. Fly by the seat of your pants
Continuously learning and improving is the only way to grow. You can be a step above your competition and become more flexible because you know more. If you just fly by the seat of your pants, you could be passing up opportunities that prevent you from learning (and growing!)
13. Compliment others vs. Criticize others
Complimenting someone is always a great way to show someone you care. A compliment gives a natural boost of energy to someone, and is an act of kindness that makes you feel better as well. Criticizing produces negativity and leads to nothing good.
14. Forgive others vs. Hold a grudge
Everybody makes mistakes; it’s human. The only way to get past the mistake is to forgive and move on. Dwelling on anger only makes things worse - for you.
15. Keep a “To-Be” list vs. Don’t know what you want to be
A “To-Be” list is a great way to strategize for the future. I want to be an elected official one day. I want to be a TED speaker. I want to be the CEO of a public company. I want to be a great father and husband. Unsuccessful people have no idea what they want to be. If you don’t know what you want to be, how can you achieve success? What do you want to be?
16. Have Gratitude vs Don't appreciate others and the world around you.
Moments of gratitude, each and every one, transform my life each day- and unquestionably have made me more successful and more happy. The people who you are grateful for are often the ones who have a huge part in your success. Be sure to thank everyone you come in contact with and walk with a spirit of gratitude and appreciation and even wonder, about the world around you. Gratitude is the ultimate key to being successful in business and in life.
1.- Les encanta el cambio, la mayoría , lo tememos...
2.- Quieren para los demás el éxito, los amargados fracasados desean en secreto que se hundan en la miseria...(esto es muy propio de los españoles, la envidia es nuestro defecto nacional)
3.- Exude joy vs. Exude anger.... traducción-> Ellos transmiten alegria, los otros transmiten furia.
4. Accept responsibly for your failures vs. Blame others for your failures, ... traducción -> la gente de éxito aceptan la responsabilidad por sus fallos, y un ciudadano o comunidad (vale, en esta España) en crisis, echamos la culpa a los demás.
5. Talk about ideas vs. Talk about people. Jolín vuelvo a pensar en España, que triunfa la telebasura, y las comunidades que rozan el 50 por ciento de paro, se entretienen hablando sobre la gente...
6. Share data & info vs. Hoard data & info
As we all learned in kindergarten, sharing is caring. In social media, in business and in life, sharing is important to be successful. When you share you info and data with others, you can get others involved in what you are doing to achieve success. Hoarding data and info is selfish and short-sighted.
7. Give people all the credit for their victories vs. Take all the credit from others
Teamwork is a key to success. When working with others, don’t take credit from their ideas. Letting others have their own victories and moments to shine motivates them and in the long term, the better they perform, the better you'll look anyway.
8. Set goals and life plans vs. Do not set goals
You can't possibly be successful without knowing where you're going in life. A life vision board, 10 year plan, 3 year forecast, annual strategic plan, and daily goal lists are are useful tools of the mega-successful people in your life. Get your vision and goals down on paper!
9. Keep a journal vs. Say you keep a journal but don’t
Keeping a journal is a great way to jot down quick ideas or thoughts that come to mind that are not worth forgetting. Writing them down can lead to something even greater. You can even use mobile apps or your Notes function in your phone. But don’t fool yourself by saying you keep a journal and not following through.
10. Read every day vs. Watch TV every day
11. Operate from a transformational perspective vs. Operate from a transactional perspective
Transformational leaders go above and beyond to reach success on another level. They focus on team building, motivation and collaboration across organizations. They're always looking ahead to see how they can transform themselves and others, instead of looking to just make a sale or generate more revenue or get something out of the way.
12. Continuously learn vs. Fly by the seat of your pants
Continuously learning and improving is the only way to grow. You can be a step above your competition and become more flexible because you know more. If you just fly by the seat of your pants, you could be passing up opportunities that prevent you from learning (and growing!)
13. Compliment others vs. Criticize others
Complimenting someone is always a great way to show someone you care. A compliment gives a natural boost of energy to someone, and is an act of kindness that makes you feel better as well. Criticizing produces negativity and leads to nothing good.
14. Forgive others vs. Hold a grudge
Everybody makes mistakes; it’s human. The only way to get past the mistake is to forgive and move on. Dwelling on anger only makes things worse - for you.
15. Keep a “To-Be” list vs. Don’t know what you want to be
A “To-Be” list is a great way to strategize for the future. I want to be an elected official one day. I want to be a TED speaker. I want to be the CEO of a public company. I want to be a great father and husband. Unsuccessful people have no idea what they want to be. If you don’t know what you want to be, how can you achieve success? What do you want to be?
16. Have Gratitude vs Don't appreciate others and the world around you.
Moments of gratitude, each and every one, transform my life each day- and unquestionably have made me more successful and more happy. The people who you are grateful for are often the ones who have a huge part in your success. Be sure to thank everyone you come in contact with and walk with a spirit of gratitude and appreciation and even wonder, about the world around you. Gratitude is the ultimate key to being successful in business and in life.
6. Comparte datos e información vs. Oculta datos e información
información es poder. Por eso, tendemos a callarnos todo aquello que
sentimos que resulta valioso y que los demás no conocen. Sin embargo,
Kerpen considera que se trata de una visión cortoplacista y
profundamente egoísta.
7. Da a la gente todo el crédito por sus victorias vs. Se lleva todo el mérito de los demás
trabajar en equipo es esencial en el mundo laboral contemporáneo, y
ello implica que todos tienen su parte de responsabilidad, tanto para lo
malo como para lo bueno. Si reconocemos los méritos de nuestros
compañeros, tarde o temprano, recibiremos una palmadita en la espalda
cuando hagamos algo bien.
8. Plantea metas y planes de vida vs. No se pone metas
dónde te encaminas? Si no lo sabes, difícilmente podrás convencer a
nadie a que haga el viaje contigo. Planea tu día, tu mes, la temporada y
tus próximos diez años, y averigua qué necesitas para alcanzar cada una
de las metas.
9. Mantiene un diario vs. Dice que mantiene un diario pero no lo hace
nuestros planes por escrito nos permite llevar un control pormenorizado
de nuestras necesidades, citas o deseos. Mucha gente asegura apuntarlo
todo, pero no es así. No tiene por qué ser un diario, sino que una
agenda electrónica o un archivo de texto pueden servir a tal efecto. En
negro sobre blanco, todo parece más real.
10. Lee todos los días vs. Mira la televisión todos los días
tiempo libre debe permitirnos escapar de la rutina, pero este escapismo
puede ayudarnos en nuestro trabajo o no. La televisión apenas nos
enseña nada, mientras que leer (ya sea un libro, un periódico o un blog)
abre nuestra mente y expande nuestros horizontes.
11. Opera desde una perspectiva transformacional vs. Opera desde una perspectiva transaccional
en nuestros trabajos se nos exijan resultados cuantitativos, los
grandes líderes son aquellos que crean un grupo y explotan las mejores
cualidades de cada uno de sus miembros. Lo importante no es la próxima
venta, sino preguntarse día tras día qué se puede hacer para mejorar el
rendimiento del grupo. Lo demás vendrá rodado.
12. Aprende continuamente vs. Improvisa todo el rato
imposible que lo sepamos todo. Ante tal certeza, caben dos
posibilidades: que estemos abiertos al cambio y ala mejora, y que nos
preocupemos por conseguir toda la información posible, o simplemente
dejarnos mecer por las mareas y no tener en cuenta ningún imprevisto.
13. Elogia a los demás vs. Critica a los demás
piropo a tiempo hará feliz al compañero que lo reciba, mejorará su
ánimo y su productividad. Aunque siempre haya aspectos que corregir, la
crítica continua (y no equilibrada con elogios) sólo menoscaba la moral
del que la recibe.
14. Perdona a los demás vs. Les guarda rencor
cometemos errores (incluso tú). Una equivocación es la oportunidad para
cambiar un comportamiento inadecuado, no la justificación para atacar a
aquel que la ha cometido.
15. Mantiene una lista de cosas “por ser” vs. No sabe qué quiere ser
niños saben muy bien qué quieren ser de mayores. Sin embargo, los
adultos no lo tienen tan claro. ¿Quieres llegar a directivo? ¿Quieres
cambiar de trabajo? ¿Quieres ampliar la familia? Saber qué queremos ser
es mucho más importante que conocer qué queremos tener.
16. Tiene gratitud vs. No aprecia a los demás y al mundo que le rodea
gratitud es la llave definitiva para tener éxito en tu vida y tu
trabajo”, asegura Kerpen. Por eso es de vital importancia que demos las
gracias a todos aquellos que nos han puesto en el lugar en que estamos.
No debemos dar nada por hecho: sólo nuestro esfuerzo y la colaboración
de los demás nos puede llevar lejos.
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